Ryan Laschober, MD, FAAFP, Family Medicine
Lance Kelley, PhD, Clinical Psychology
Zachary Sartor, MD, FAAFP, Family Medicine
Susan Johnson, MD, Psychiatry
Jackson Griggs, MD, FAAFP, Family Medicine
Paula Smith, DO, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Katy Wesley, MD, Ob-Gyn
Carena Chai, DO, FAAFP, Family Medicine
Ryan Trantham, MD, Family Medicine
Gregory Acampora, MD
Robert Althoff, MD, PhD
Joseph Biederman, MD
Lee Cohen, MD
Marlene Freeman, MD
Aaron Greenstein, MD
Scott Hadland, MD, MPH
Eric Hazen, MD
Yoshio Kaneko, MD
Laura Kehoe, MD, MPH
David Mischoulon, MD, PhD
Holly Peek, MD, MPH
Laura Petrillo, EdM, MD
Edwin Raffi, MD
David Rubin, MD
Felicia Smith, MD
Thomas Spencer, MD
Theodore Stern, MD
Khadijah Watkins, MD
Tim Wilens, MD
John Winkelman, MD, PhD
Waco Family Medicine Residency is one of the nation’s premier family medicine training programs. Our unique culture cultivates compassionate care to the underserved, and our uncompromising rigor forms exemplary family physicians. We boast the highest board exam pass rate in Texas and an award-winning integrated behavioral health program. Graduates practice nationally and globally in diverse settings, with many serving in areas of health professional shortage. A leader in fostering whole-person care, our program pioneered interventions such as an embedded patient fitness center, a produce prescription program, and a medical-legal partnership. In a dynamic era of health care system change, Waco leads the way in high-quality, comprehensive primary health care. Contact ProgramCoordinator@wacofhc.org for more information about our residency program.